A Naked Man Runs Through Traffic

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A bizarre scene unfolds in South Los Angeles as a naked man runs through traffic.

"It was just crazy, a naked man jumping out of the bush from the roof and onto the street," says Jerry Garcia, who pulled out his phone and began recording.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a call from Slauson Avenue and Edgemar Avenue in the Hyde Park neighborhood. The naked man eventually got hit by a car and the person who took the video of the incident says he was covered in blood.

"Just speechless because you'd never expect a naked man running in front of you during your day," Garcia said.

Despite being struck by a car, the man still got up and walked away. Garcia remembers seeing a dazed look on the man’s face. 

"Just very confused; I don’t know what he was on or what was going on through his head, but yeah, very confused, like kind of out of it," Garcia said. 

The LAPD says the man tackled an officer who responded to the scene. 

With so many cases of drug-induced violence and people suffering from mental illness, Garcia emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant while on the road. 

"Stay on your toes while driving; make sure you don’t run over anybody. I see a lot of crazy things when I’m driving," he said.

FOX 11 learned the man was in the hospital recovering from his injuries.